Volunteer & Training Opportunities

Explore a sampling of volunteer opportunities at the Old Aurora Colony Museum and Stauffer-Will Farm Field Trip Program. Please contact info@auroracolony.org or 503-678-5754 with any questions or to discuss crafting a volunteer opportunity that fits with your unique talents.

New here? Join us at the Aurora Colony Museum Ox Barn at 15018 2nd St NE Aurora, OR

New! Stauffer-Will Farm Program 2025

Scheduling is live for the Stauffer-Will Farm Living History positions!

Sign up for a volunteer shift here.

Front Desk (Monday - Saturday & Sunday Hours))

Be the welcoming face of our museum by greeting guests with a friendly smile and warm hello. As a part of our team, you'll also be handling the register and providing helpful answers to any phone inquiries. Join us in providing an unforgettable experience for our guests. Website Updates: Programs and Volunteer

Docent / Tour Guide (Throughout the Year)

Share engaging stories with museum guests during events or lead tour groups through the museum and courtyard buildings.  Volunteer team leads are available to help train and provide shadowing opportunities.

Stauffer-Will Farm Program (Late March-Early June)

Engage with and teach visitors and students about farming life in the Aurora Colony. Lead hands-on, history-minded activities in one of five stations at the historic Stauffer-Will Farm. No experience necessary, training provided. Please email farm@auroracolony.org for more information.

Herb Garden (Throughout the Year)

Help renovate the Emma Wakefield Herb Garden in the courtyard of the Old Aurora Colony Museum. Skilled and novice gardeners wanted, training provided.

Internship Opportunities 

The Old Aurora Colony Museum is now offering a variety of volunteer internship programs.  If you are a college or graduate student in a related field such as museum archives, collections, marketing, or design and would like to perform an internship please email info@auroracolongy.org. Our education program manager will get back to you with more details and information.  

Facilities Support

Light maintenance, painting, and building projects. For more information, please email us at: info@auroracolongy.org